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Full Demo (20 Minutes)
If you'd prefer to watch a demo check out the video below. We demo our testing process with Blake Oliver from The Accounting Podcast
Sample Questions (2 minutes)
Want to see a few questions to get an idea what a test is like? We provide sample questions for each test in the test's product page description. Choose your test from the list below:
Chartered Accountant - Public Practice
Part / Non-Qualified Accountant - Public Practice
Chartered Accountant - Corporate
Part / Non Qualified Accountant - Corporate
Our tests have helped hundreds of organizations, from Accounting Firms to Private & Public Sectors, achieve hiring success and avoid bad hires. Request your trial test today and let us help you find the perfect candidate for your team!
Please note: Free trial tests are for those actively hiring accountants or bookkeepers. Limited to one per person / organization.
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